Mazda.s forthcoming RX-8 replacement to feature hybrid technology, new two-door will also be smaller and lighter than before. It is finally here. The RX7 successor, the 2016 Mazda RX9. Please watch in 1080HD! For the full images gallery, visit: OverviewAfter the long-running Mazda RX-8 left production in following poor sales and a failure to meet stringent Euro-zone emissions requirements, Mazda was. - Following a reborn RX-7 in 2017, Mazda is planning something special for its centenary in 2020. Mazda RX9 needs to come with something new that could get the attention of its enthusiasts back since we know that in the end of, the car is going with low. Oui, nous aussi a force on n.y croit plus, mais la c.est un peu different, MAZDA dit qu.ils vont sortir un coupe sportif dans l.esprit des sportives de la marque. 2015 Mazda RX9 review and price, release date, pictures, engine range, redesign, concept, hybrid, interior, exterior, colors, photos, features, changes, new. While there have been plenty of reports on the potential return of a rotary-powered sports car at Mazda, the latest has got to be the most ambitious yet. Motoring. Decouvrez le nouveau concept-car de Mazda, baptise RX-9. Cette belle sportive sera presentee au Salon automobile de Tokyo, le 28 obre prochain.
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