Presentation Yamaha RX-V467.. 26/8/2015 [Audio Video] Yamaha devoile un nouvel ecosysteme de divertissement multiroom revolutionnaire - MusicCast. Introducing Yamaha RX-V467.. This highly competent and versatile 5.1-channel AV Receiver gives you 4 in/1 out HDMI 1.4a support for 3D and Audio Return Channel. Le RX-V467 fait partie de la toute derniere gamme d.amplificateurs home-cinema developpee par Yamaha. Identique au Yamaha HTR-4063. Il offre une reserve de.. Presentation Yamaha RX-V467.. 3D Ready - HDMI 1.4 (4 entrees/1 sortie), ARC, 5 canaux, decodages audio HD, calibration automatique YPAO, Modes SCENE, 17 modes. Introduserer Yamaha RX-V467.. 26/8/2015 [Audio Video] Designed to revolutionize the enjoyment of music in everyday life - MusicCast. Introducing Yamaha RX-V467.. 1/10/2015 [Audio Visual] Buy Fly to 1 of 10 cities in Europe! Everyone who purchases a Yamaha MusicCast TRIO Package can claim a.
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Introducing Yamaha RX-V467.. 26/8/2015 [Audio Visual] Designed to revolutionize the enjoyment of music in everyday life - MusicCast. Introducing Yamaha RX-V467.. Yamaha’s RX-V467 allows you to take advantage of HDMI ver1.4 with 3D support and Audio Return Channel. Ampli Home Cinema Yamaha RX-V467 NOIR, Amplificateur 5.1 compatible 3D, Puissance 5 x 105 Watts (RMS), Decodeurs